biological contextの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6
  1. In 1972 Sankoff in a biological context developed a model of genetic divergence of populations.
  2. Some theories on the causes of child molestation put the problem in a biological context.
  3. Rubidium, like sodium and potassium, almost always has + 1 oxidation state when dissolved in water, even in biological contexts.
  4. On the other hand, that's something that matters a lot when estimating effects of the solution in, say, biological contexts.
  5. The book is based on a number of genetic-based tests, which aims to clarify the biological context of human personal development.


  1. "biological constraints"の例文
  2. "biological contact oxidation process"の例文
  3. "biological contactor"の例文
  4. "biological containment"の例文
  5. "biological contamination"の例文
  6. "biological control"の例文
  7. "biological control agent"の例文
  8. "biological control measure"の例文
  9. "biological control measures"の例文
  10. "biological control of insect pests"の例文
  11. "biological containment"の例文
  12. "biological contamination"の例文
  13. "biological control"の例文
  14. "biological control agent"の例文

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